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The Morning Coffee Marketer

Nov 15, 2018

In this episode of the Morning Coffee Marketer, Kim, Kelly, and Mike talk about discovery what your audience wants and selling it to them. This is a great example of how to investigate the needs of your audience and how to retarget them. 

Key Takeaways

0:20 - Kim is back with her dynamic duo and talking coffee and mugs.

1:00 - Kelly shares new shout-outs from listeners. 

2:48 - Mike talks about the topic: “Selling People What They Want, But Giving Them What They Need” and should not be misinterpreted.  

3:40 - Kim talks about selling people your Product, Program, or Service. Kim talks about give all you can but start being nice, but give them what they want. Kim gives an example of a health resource. 

5:20 - Mike talks about remedies within treats as an example. Mike continues into Kim’s business as a Facebook social media marketer. 

8:00 - Kim talks about what her audience wants and the 10K strategy. Kim continues the exact needs of her audience and the type of information they want. 

 9:00 -  Kim shares about her campaign and the message they want about audience building. 

10:30 - Kelly talks about the audience and why they have a few seconds to see your message. 

12:00 - Kim ask Mike about the hook in the Office Hours social media meetings. Mike gives more example with several things in his daily routine of give people want they want. 

16:00 - Kim talks about her Apple Cider Vinegar shot and the different things that could reach our audience with who need something similar. 

18:00 - Kim talks more about discovering what your audience wants. 

Mention in the Episode